Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Look closely! Does LSU make it to the top?

Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday Day 1

Well, we're off. It is cold! Not much on deck activity tonight. Dinner was great, we're seated at two tables next to each other, noweveryone is off exploring the ship and the night's activities. Tomorrow is a day at sea. We have a class  session at 10:00 to talk about what we'll see at Chichen Itza and Tulum, and of course have plenty of time to continue eating our way to Mexico. Until Tomorrow - drboz

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Welcome to The LSU Mexico Cruise Blog

Hello everyone we're getting close now. You should have received an email from me about the trip, if you didn't please e-mail or call me.

Please invite friends and family to check in on the progress of our trip, and I encourage you to add any pre-embarkation comments you might have. We'll be uploading photos etc as the trip progresses.  Bring some warm clothes for the first night -- See you Monday at 12:30 -- drboz